You are viewing documentation for Falco version: v0.26.2
Falco v0.26.2 documentation is no longer actively maintained. The version you are currently viewing is a static snapshot. For up-to-date documentation, see the latest version
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The Falco Project takes a stand against racism.
The Falco Project
Cloud-Native runtime security
Deep kernel tracing built on the Linux kernel, eBPF, and ptrace. Enrich kernel events with Kubernetes and container metainformation. See everything.
Describe security rules against your system. Protect against unknown or unwanted behavior. Detect 0 day vulnerabilities, CVEs, anomalies, and threats.
Take action during an security violation. Build powerful response applications on the Falco APIs in the case of malicious behaviour.
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Star Watch ForkBuild secure applications with Falco at the core.
Use Falco with Kubernetes, Linux, and Serverless applications.
Set up Falco to begin development
Configure Falco using rules, alerts, and other options
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Falco is a Cloud Native Computing Foundation Incubating project